Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year reflection

Happy 2014! As we ring in the new year I think about the past year which has been really good to me. I posted awhile ago about taking my black belt test. Months later Grandmaster called me up asking when I'd be back to class. I hadn't gone due to working 2 jobs, attending night classes and family commitments. I went in the next day on Saturday just for the end of the kids class which ended up being a belt test. Grandmaster called me in and stand in the line. Once I went in we went over several forms. Master told everyone to sit on the side and for me to stand in the middle. Looking back I didn't think anything of it but did find it weird being that it was a kid's belt test not an adult.  So I did Tageuk 8 in front of Master, Master Bruce, the kids and parents. When I finished Master told me to turn around and face the kids. He pointed to one girl asking her name. With everyone's eyes on me I couldn't remember even though I've seen her several times. Master patted my shoulders and told me to turn around. He held a new black belt with my name and certificate! I couldn't believe it. 
Since earning my black belt I've felt a deeper sense of responsibility and commitment. I started learning Koryo the first form for black belt, started leading class. In December I barely went as much as I would have liked because of other commitments. I've been thinking of some goals for 2014.
Master Koryo
Do Koryo in competition
Improve Sparring skills
Lose weight 
Master 1 step sparring 


It's the night before my first sparring competition and as I sit here  listening to the crickets chirping I can't get my mind to relax and stop thinking about tomorrow. I keep reviewing the techniques  we learned in class all the matches that could happen everything.  Looking forward to this experience but that probably won't show until I'm in the ring. Hoping for a good experience tomorrow

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

day before black belt test

Tonight is the night  before the black belt test and I'm extremely nervous, anxious excited. After much thought I went to class tonight and I'm glad I did. We reviewed step sparring  which I need to practice. Even after class and talking to one of my instructors my stomach was turning. Now it's 1:40 in the morning unable to sleep because I can't tune it out. Everytime I close my eyes I see myself doing form, or a technique. This is an exciting and huge step to take after years of sacrifice blood sweat and tears.  At least knowing my friends from class will be there and one instructor. Mostly the anxiety of not knowing how I'll be tested what will go on will I do forms alone or is it like a class and Master will be watching me more? Guess I'll find out tomorrow.
I'm going shopping with mom but will do some light practicing before try and rest and relax until test time. I'll write tomorrow to update how it went. aaaaah

Thursday, December 6, 2012

black belt test

So part 1 of the journey is coming and after all the four years of sacrificing, practicing, blood, sweat and tears  I am testing for black belt. Just saying those words is making my heart race.  I get nervous while doing forms during a regular belt promotion test knowing everyone's eyes are on me. Now all eyes are on me while I'm testing for black belt. No black belt isn't the end it's the beginning but it's a large step towards that. It seems now like there's so much to go over  and not enough time which is even more nerve racking. It can't come soon enough but yet it can. Time to step it up and practice. I know if I wasn't ready yet Master wouldn't test me and yet I still can't help but be nervous. Going to do the best I can :-)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Good news and frustration

As with teaching lets start with some good news. Last Friday Grandmaster gave me my fifth stripe and told me to prepare for the upcoming black belt test. Of course now i'm so nervous and every class counts double in my mind. Now for the bad news, I haven't been able to get to class much because I've been working uptown and by the time I get home it's after 7. The trains have not been very cooperating. More bad news is somehow I hurt the side of my knee to the point where I can't walk or bend it so going to class is definitely out at this point. I still can't pinpoint where or how I injured it but I've been so busy lately it could have been doing anything. As much as it pains it I'm going to take it easy and rest to let the injury heal and if needed see a doctor.  It's so frustrating I've only been to class three days this week but somehow someway I plan on making it up. I don't know when but I will!!! This will not stop me!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


After everything seemed to be going along well BAM it all falls apart. While I'm in the process of earning my fifth stripe the last one to qualify to test for Black belt. The evening I had a chance to prove I know the form and is able to teach it with Master's attention on me my mind blanks and I mess up the form.  I went home frustrated with myself but determined to go back and prove that I know the forms. Unfortunately it didn't work out that way. That night I watched the Ranger game with my dad sitting on my legs the way we do sometimes in class. Later that night when I stood up my calf muscle pounded never a good sign. Pushing it in the back of my mind I laid down stretching the muscle out figuring it was just the way I was sitting or perhaps a cramp and that it'd go away.
When I woke up the next morning the calf muscle pain got worse. It hurt to stand on it, let alone walk on it. Since it was Tuesday I had to go to our last class which was all the way uptown and walking up and down steps wasn't appealing to me. I  tried to keep off the muscle, gently massaged it hoping it'd go away. The pain subsided so I was able to walk somewhat normally but climbing and going down steps proved to be difficult. I goggled calf pain and came across two options either a blood clot or a calf sprain. I text my brother who was an FDNY EMT and explained the pain I was feeling. He told me it was more a muscle strain which did make me feel better. I went back on goggle and researched again concluding the symptoms I was feeling was a grade 2 sprain no bruising pain when I walk and touch the area. The website said recovery time would be about 4 weeks. 4 week?? I can't stay out for 4 weeks. *sigh*  I took the advice of treatment and will take each day as it comes. I don't want to push it an make the injury worse but can't stay out for that long either. what's worse is that since everything we do is with our legs I can't even practice. This is going to drive me nuts!!
Patience and perseverance

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thursday's class

Well it's Thursday, and it's the second day in a row I came home drenched in sweat. This afternoon I practiced down in my basement. Using the bag I have I practiced roundhouse kicks tornado kicks which I still need a little work on using my hips. I also practiced jumping back kick which I need work on. I'm going to save up for a mat may be if I have a soft surface I'll get over my fear of jumping. It'll help with the flying side kick too because I know I need to work on that.  The tornado kick is coming along still needs work.
Master Moe took over class today. We did the usual stretches warm ups then formed two lines and practiced kicks  and blocks. Master Moe held two targets and we practiced tornado kicks. I was still shifting a little an my back swing kick isn't ended to kick the targets. At the very end of class   we practiced our form. Tomorrow I plan on practicing forms with power. I know the forms but I have no power in them, it's something to work on. All in all it was a great class, great workout. Looking forward to class tomorrow.